Privacy Policy of DISHTV SHOP LTD
Company number 13930768
The privacy policy of Dishtvshop deals with all the matters that involve the collection, usage, maintenance, and keeping the secrecy of the information taken from the customers of Dishtvshop.
The privacy policy is applicable to the site [email protected], its products, and the services provided by it.
Information regarding Personal Identity
The Dishtvshop collects information regarding the personal identity of its users with due respect. The information is taken in several ways like when the users,
- Call Dishtvshop
- Visit the website of Dishtvshop
- Place an order at [email protected],
- Fill a form to avail service of Dishtvshop
- Subscribe to the Dishtvshop’s newsletter
Or whenever a customer gets connected to Dishtvshop with any activity, feature, resource, or a service provided by it.
The user may be asked about any or all of the following:
- Name
- E-mail address
- Postal address
- Phone number
- City name
- Country name
This information on personal identification is asked from the user as a request and the user has the total freedom to refuse to provide this information. If the user will have to face any difficulty in the future regarding the services and activities of Dishtvshop, then the user will be briefed about it.
Cookies of the Web Browser
The website of Dishtvshop, [email protected] can use ‘cookies’. This is a feature that helps to enhance and improve the user experience on this website. The user’s web browser places cookies on their hard drive.
Cookies’ function is to keep the record and track the information. It is the choice of the user whether they want their web browser to refuse the cookie or they want an alert whenever the cookies are being sent to them. If the user chooses to refuse the cookies, the functioning of the site will be affected.
Usage of Collected Information
The personal identity information collected from the users has to be used for different purposes like
- For the improvement of Customer service
The personal identity information collected by Dishtvshop helps to respond to customer service requests in a more efficient way.
- For Personalization of User experience
The information collected by Dishtvshop from its users helps to find out how the users make use of the resources and services provided on the site. It also helps to understand if the users use these services in a group form.
- For processing payments
The personal identification information taken from the users is used to carry out the payment procedure safely. This information is always kept secret and no unconcerned person or party gets to know about this information.
- For the improvement of the Site
When the people are asked about their personal identity, they are also asked about their feedback regarding their experience with the Site. This feedback helps in the improvement of the services and products of Dishtvshop.